Saturday, January 16, 2010

Piscis. Semana del 11 al 17

Algún día mirará atrás y se dará cuenta que este año fue muy importante. Plantará semillas para el futuro; conocerá gente importante que le guiará; establecerá su propia marca. Avance hacia el próximo nivel, sin miedo, como un gigante!!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Tengo pesadillas

All that you touch

And all that you see

All that you taste

All you feel

And all that you love

And all that you hate

All you distrust

All you save

And all that you give

And all that you deal

And all that you buy

Beg, borrow or steal

And all you create

And all you destroy

And all that you do

And all that you say

And all that you eat

And everyone you meet

And all that you slight

And everyone you fight

And all that is now

And all that is gone And all that's to come

And everything under the sun is in tune

But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."